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Rene Lalique Boxes |
R. Lalique Boxes: Most boxes are made totally of glass, but there are some using wood, metal, and bakelite. Many adjectives are used to describe boxes including powder and covered. In French, boxes have many names including coffrets, boites, bonbonnieres, and boites a poudre. About 180 R. Lalique Boxes Are Shown Out Of Approximately 180 Production Models. There are also an unknown number of likely unique boxes, boxes used at the stores in the sales process, and perfume bottle boxes which have come up for sale without the bottle. Some of each of these are also shown here. There is also 1 Czech ring box shown below that has often sold as R. Lalique. We have it on this page so collectors can find it and know it is Czech and has nothing to do with Lalique. Back To The Main Page Of The: Rene Lalique Catalogue |
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