R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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René Lalique Faune-Lamp-Close-Up
René Lalique Bouchon Cassis Close-Up
René Lalique Hermanny Flacon Close-Up
Rene Lalique Fox Car Mascot Close-Up Of Head
R.Lalique At Auction: 8 Auctions Listed
Rene Lalique Muguets Box

2025-03-27 - Rene Lalique Muguets Box: 26 cm round and 2.5 cm high green-opalescent glass R. Lalique Box decorated with lilies of the valley on the lid. Lot No. 201 Est: €5000 - €5200. Model: 41 Circa 1921. They also have a grey Sophora Vase as Lot 202, a Piriac Vase as Lot 179, a damaged Danaides Vase (the base appears to be missing) that should be avoided as Lot 210, a Moissac Vase as Lot 208, a Beautreillis Vase as Lot 211, as well as a Cerises Vase, an Ormeaux Vase, a Plumes Vase, and a couple of other vases. EU - Spain - Barcelona - Calle Aragón admin@setdart.com +34 932 463 241

https://www.setdart.com/   Setdart

See this Muguets Box In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Faune Lamp

2025-03-28 - Rene Lalique Faune Lamp: 34 cm tall by 29 cm wide by 8 cm deep R. Lalique Electric Lamp decorated with a single mythical Faun figure on an upright plate of glass underneath the apparently original shade and supported by the metal base. Lot No. 70 Est: €1000 - €2000. Starting Price €1000. Model: 2173 Circa 1932. EU - Germany - Berlin - Seesener Straße kontakt@auktion-dannenberg.de +49 0 30821 6979

https://www.auktion-dannenberg.de/   Dannenberg

See this Faune Lamp In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Masques Decanter

2025-04-02 - Rene Lalique Masques Decanter: 27 cm tall clear glass with a patinated grotesque mask on both sides of the container. Lot No. Est: €600 - €800. Note: Check the model page for the Masques decanter for added information about the various stoppers that it was or was not sold with. Model: 3156 Circa 1914. They also have a good looking patinated cased white-oplaescent Monnaie du Pape Vase as Lot 412, a Palissy Vase as Lot 414 that is cracked and should be avoided, and the bottom only to a Primevères Box with no lid as Lot 415 that should be avoided unless you have a spare opalescent lid laying around:) EU - France - Cannes - rue Jean-Jaurès info@cannes-encheres.com +33 493384147

https://www.cannes-encheres.com/   Cannes Enchères

See this Masques Decanter In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Chevaux de Venus Box

2025-04-02 - Rene Lalique Chevaux de Venus Box: 5 cm tall by 6.7 cm wide at the base R. Laliqiue Box. Lot No 172. Est: €100 - €150. Note: This is the only R. Lalique lot in the sale. Model: 63 Circa 1910. EU - Paris - France - Drouot plarcheveque@tdemaigret.fr +33144839520 Your contact at the sale is Paloma Larcheveque

https://www.thierrydemaigret.com/   Thierry de Maigret

See this Chevaux de Venus Box In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Bouchon Mures Flacon

2025-04-10 - Rene Lalique Bouchon Mures Flacon: 12 cm tall R. lalique Flacon having a tiara style stopper decorated with blackberries over a vertically lined bulging glass container that is molded R. LALIQUE to the underside. Lot No. 102 Est: $7,000 - $10,000. Model: 495 Circa 1920. Also an 11.7 cm Bouchon Cassis Flacon as Lot 103 that is listed separately. New York City - Madison Avenue nydesign@bonhams.com 917 206 1615

https://www.bonhams.com   Bonhams New York

See this Bouchon Mures Flacon In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Bouchon Cassis Flacon

2025-04-10 - Rene Lalique Bouchon Cassis Flacon: 11.7 cm R. Lalique Flacon having a tiara style blackcurrant motif stopper over a bulging glass vertically lined container that is molded R.LALIQUE and engraved France to the underside. Lot No. 103 Est: $7,000 - $10,000. Model: 494 Circa 1920. Also a Bouchon Mures Flacon as Lot 102 that is listed separately. New York City - Madison Avenue nydesign@bonhams.com 917 206 1615

https://www.bonhams.com   Bonhams New York

See this Bouchon Cassis Flacon In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Faucon Car Mascot

2025-04-16 - Rene Lalique Faucon Car Mascot: 15.5 cm tall standing glass falcon figure as an R. Lalique Car Mascot. Note: This is the only R. lalique lot in the sale. Model: 1124 Circa 1925. EU - France - Nantes contact@encheres-nantes.com +33 02 40 89 24 44

https://www.interencheres.com/commissaire-priseur/couton-jamault-hirn-157   Couton Jamault Hirn

See this Faucon Car Mascot In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

Rene Lalique Hermanny Flacon

2025-05-02 - Rene Lalique Hermanny Flacon: 8 cm tall R. Lalique Flacon for Hermanny. Lot No. Unknown Est: €1500 - €2500. Model: Hermanny-Perfume-1 Circa 1928. EU - France - Riom - rue du Moulin d'eau x.butant@riom-encheres.com +33 04 73 38 24 31

https://www.interencheres.com/commissaire-priseur/maitre-xavier-butant-73   Xavier Butant

See this Hermanny Flacon In The Rene Lalique Catalogue!

R. Lalique Auctions: Back To Top Of Page

Please note that we do not make any representation concerning any item listed in this RLalique At Auction Section. We do not check the information in the listings or investigate the items for potential bidders except as part of our Rene Lalique Consulting Services. It is the responsibility of any bidder or buyer to conduct whatever investigation they deem necessary concerning any potential purchase. Any note concerning any item's condition or authenticity or anything else about the item, or any lack of note, is not a representation. The lack of a comment does not indicate in any way that there are no condition or other issues, and the inclusion of any comment does not constitute a representation in any way. In other words, if you are interested in something, check it out! The only thing we are doing is publishing a listing of items that are scheduled to come up for sale, without any warranty or representation of any kind.

Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.