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R Lalique T/A - What's It All About?
R Lalique T/A gives you the chance to acquire a file of information about the piece you are considering. For example, we have posted here what would be a typical T/A file on an RLalique Rampillon Vase. Check it out and you'll see what we mean. If you are considering the purchase of any R Lalique item, then T/A is the place to come to get the details on the item. The shape of the top, the height of the vase, the shape of the base, things to watch out for with a particular model, signatures, mold quirks, typical flaws, and so much more. Photos of other examples of that model, measurements of typical examples, and a summary of our experiences in what we have seen around the world with that particular model are typically included in an R Lalique T/A file. All R Lalique T/A files will be different, as we have varying amounts of information on different pieces. But each file will have a summary of its contents available to you before you purchase the file. The number of photos, if there are close ups of rims and bases and other areas of the pieces. If we have measurements and how many we have, not just of the height, but of the base and rim as well. Rim shape, base shape, typical issues that appear; what we have documented will be in the summary of each T/A file for you to review before you purchase. Remember, every piece of RLalique was made individually, and then finished by hand. There are some normal variations in glass thickness, height, etc in many of the models; some models much more than others. However, that doesn't mean you want the one that is a cm shorter than all the others, even if "it was made that way!" And if you are buying a low quality example, or one that isn't in the typical range we've seen in one feature or another, or one that has a serious or non-serious factory made flaw, at least you have a better idea what you are getting into, using the information we can provide with a detailed T/A file. To get started, we have assembled the sample R Lalique Rampillon Vase file for you to look at, both the summary and the complete exposition, so that you'll know what it's all about. As time goes by we'll add more files and create a list of finished files available for purchase. But in the meantime, feel free to Inquire about the availability of any file on any RLalique item by emailing us as info@RLalique.com. We have a ton of info that will be made available over the next couple of years. But we can move any particular piece to the top of the list if you are considering a purchase of that item and would like to have the chance to buy that file. So if you are thinking about that over $50,000 Opalescent Bacchantes Vase, and you don't see it listed here yet, just ask. We can rush a file creation and get you the info after confirming to you what we have for photos and information, and the price. For a Bacchantes T/A file, current pricing would be $350. Generally, the more expensive or rare the item, the higher the price for a T/A file would be. The Rampillon T/A file shown below is what you would see before deciding to purchase. If you click on the Rampillon photo or the heading, it will show you the information you would see after you purchased.
Information and photos contained in our T/A files is solely intended for the personal use of the purchaser. It cannot be copied, redistributed, or shared with others. |
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