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R Lalique Consulting and Expert Services |
Personalized Services Designed to Help You SucceedWe offer a range of R Lalique expert and consulting services to assist and consult with buyers and sellers of Rene Lalique items, be it single items or entire collections. Take a look at what our Lalique experts and consultants offer, and see if we can help you succeed with your R Lalique collecting. General or Overall R Lalique Seller Consulting
Introductory Offer - We offer a preliminary consultation of 10 minutes (including time evaluating material related to the consultation) for $30 on a one time only basis for new customers. This is a great opportunity especially for sellers that want advice on which sales method to choose for their R.Lalique item or items from among the various choices we offer in our Rene Lalique Sellers Services Section, or for buyers wanting advice on a specific item. Phone Consultations: We offer general phone consultation at the rate of $300 per hour, including time evaluating emailed material related to the consultation. Minimum one hour. In Person Evaluations: We will come to you! Costs include travel and time and are quoted on an individual basis.
Local, Regional, National and International Auction House RecommendationsWe have done business with hundreds of traditional auction houses worldwide, from the biggest city in America, to the smallest isolated town on the other side of the globe. If you've decided to place your R. Lalique item or items up for auction at a traditional auction house, we will evaluate your items and make recommendations based on your circumstances, the R. Lalique items you have to sell, the current market for R. Lalique around the world, and the pros and cons of particular auction houses that have experience in marketing R Lalique. Email us your details and the details of your R. Lalique item(s) and we will return a quote for making Auction House Recommendations. Contact us at Consulting Inquiry. This email address is also available in our Contact Section Buyer Consultation
Evaluating an item or items, including price, via email (with the limitations inherent in not having the item in hand); Evaluating an item or items including price and condition, in person, either that you send us, or that we travel to see; Advising on market conditions and values; Representing you in negotiations for a private purchase, at an auction, or in the search for particular pieces - We will search the world for you for that special piece you are seeking. We will represent you in private negotiations for the purchase of RLalique. We will represent you at an auction in a variety of roles such as for the evaluation and bidding on a single item, or as your exclusive agent with respect to an entire RLalique auction. These are highly specialized services tailored to meet your needs and are quoted based on the specific request. For any Buyer Consultation quote, contact us at Consulting Inquiry. This email address is also available in our Contact Section R Lalique Appraisal ReferralsFind out about referrals for R. Lalique Appraisals. |
Please Note: All of the above Consulting Service descriptions are summaries of important terms which are contained in the specific email agreement. Any conflict in language is controlled by the agreement itself and not by this summary. |
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