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Published Lalique Articles and Information of Interest to R Lalique Collectors |
Published Articles and Educational Links of Interest To All R Lalique CollectorsAs we discover informative articles about the ins and outs of collecting R Lalique, we'll publish or link to them here. These articles are intended to better educate a collector of R Lalique by providing information not readily available, or by pointing out information an R Lalique collector might not have considered. Some of these articles will be of general interest to all collectors of antiques, vintage items and collectibles, as well as to all auction buyers. We'll point to any additions to this page with posts in the Articles of Interest to Collectors category of tne Blog, where you can respond to article posts with your comments. Fooled By Fakes: Buyer Beware! Rene Lalique Art Glass By Anita Stratos
Federal Trade Commission Establishes Buying Guidelines for AntiquesOn April 30, 2008 the FTC published a consumer alert concerning buying Antiques. Most of the information is of a general nature, but is a good start to help you protect and educate yourself. and to avoid some of the problems that can come up with items you purchase. Here is a link to a PDF file of the Alert which you can save on your own computer, and also a link to the Alert on the FTC website. Auction Law and Ethics: Goliath Meets King Kong
Auction Law and Ethics: Call It What It IsThis is the second in a series of bid rigging articles written by Mr. Steve Proffitt, a lawyer knowledgeable in auction law, and who writes a regular column on Auction Law and Ethics for the Maine Antique Digest. Here is a link to this very informative July 2008 article titled Auction Law and Ethics: Call It What It Is. It's our intention to reprint all of these articles as they become available, so please check back for future installments. All articles in this series on Auction Law and Ethics are 2008 Copyright Maine Antique Digest and are reprinted with the assistance of the Maine Antique Digest and the generous permission of the author, Steve Proffitt Auction Law and Ethics: The Five W's For Stopping Bid Rigging
Auction Law and Ethics: Sleep WellThis is a follow to the three part series on bid rigging articles written by Mr. Steve Proffitt, a lawyer knowledgeable in auction law, and who writes a regular column on Auction Law and Ethics for the Maine Antique Digest. Here is a link to this very informative September 2008 article titled Auction Law and Ethics: Sleep Well. It's our intention to reprint further articles as they become available, so please check back for future installments. All articles in this series on Auction Law and Ethics are 2008 Copyright Maine Antique Digest and are reprinted with the assistance of the Maine Antique Digest and the generous permission of the author, Steve Proffitt Auction Law and Ethics: The $64,000 Question
The information contained in the articles published or linked on this page are not our work product. They are provided for general information purposes only and are not our expert advice. |
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