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Rene Lalique Catalogue |
Lalique's Works: Photo Identification And Detailed Information |
Rene Lalique was a prolific creator. There are over 1000 different commercial production designs of glass objects in addition to thousands of unique objects in glass and other mediums. Here we are reporting on and assembling in convenient form the R. Lalique works that have appeared around the world in a format that makes it easy to identify and research the various models he created and marketed. For convenience these models are grouped by type into 74 different categories. Keep in mind that some categories will likely never be complete, but we will keep you informed to the extent possible on each category page concerning the number of designs we show for a particular category and the approximate number of designs which are thought to exist for that same category so that you can judge the extent of our coverage for any particular type of object. Also in time, more information will be added to each particular model page as more sections of information are added to the website and tied into this compendium. The Rene Lalique Catalogue is an ongoing volunteer reporting and research project, and we are actively soliciting additional help for work on new areas of information to speed up the process. If you are interested in contributing, please reach us via email though our Contact Page. NOTE: All jewelry categories (rings, bracelets, brooches etc) are found under Jewelry below. And all lighting categories (lamps, sconces, chandeliers, etc) are found under Lighting below. |
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