R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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The Worldwide Gathering Place Of René
Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Paperweights: On this page is an example of each model Lalique Paperweight in our database. The links will take you to the main page for each R. Lalique Paperweight model. That main model page will contain a wealth of information for each paperweight and links to other sections of the website relevant to that paperweight design.

Note: If you don't see your paperweight here, check Seals, Car Mascots, Decorations, Menu Holders, and Statues.

45 R. Lalique Paperweights Are Shown Out Of Approximately 59 Production, Limited Edition, And/Or Non-Commercial Paperweights - Presse-Papiers. The number 59 includes 3 models we have determined are a good fit for paperweights, though we don't know how they were originally marketed. The model pages for those items clearly states this determination. 59 also includes 19 car mascot designs that were also marketed as paperweights, some with minor alterations. We have a handful of those shown here, but all the mascots can be found on the Car Mascot page at the link above. Ignoring mascots we don't duplicate here, what you see represents all the commercial paperweights with the addition of a few other models that were sometimes used as paperweights even if not sold that way by Rene Lalique et Cie. Any of these additions are also clearly marked as such on their respective model pages.

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Rene Lalique Anemone Fermee Paperweight
Rene Lalique Anemone Ouverte Paperweight
Rene Lalique Antilope Paperweight
Rene Lalique Barbillon Paperweight
Rene Lalique Bellecour Bird Paperweight
Rene Lalique Bison Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chardonneret Hardi Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chardonneret Moqueur Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chardonneret Timide Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chat Paperweight
Rene Lalique Cheval Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chouette Paperweight
Rene Lalique Chrysis Paperweight
Rene Lalique Cote D'Azur Paperweight
Rene Lalique Crabe Paperweight
Rene Lalique Daim Paperweight
Rene Lalique Deux Aigles Paperweight
Rene Lalique Deux Sardines Paperweight
Rene Lalique Deux Tourterelles Paperweight
Rene Lalique Double Marguerite Paperweight
Rene Lalique Elephant Paperweight
Rene Lalique Gandhi Paperweight
Rene Lalique Hirondelle Paperweight
Rene Lalique La Sainte Cene Paperweight
Rene Lalique Langoustine Paperweight
Rene Lalique Lezards Paperweight
Rene Lalique Libellule Grande Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Coquet Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Fier Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Hardi Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Moqueur Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Sournois Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Sur Socle Ailes Croisees Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Sur Socle Ailes Fermees Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Sur Socle Ailes Ouvertes Paperweight
Rene Lalique Moineau Timide Paperweight
Rene Lalique Perche Paperweight
Rene Lalique Renne Paperweight
Rene Lalique Rhinoceros Paperweight
Rene Lalique Swami Vivekananda Paperweight
Rene Lalique Taureau Paperweight
Rene Lalique Taureau Sacre Paperweight
Rene Lalique Tete D'Epervier Paperweight
Rene Lalique Toby Paperweight
Rene Lalique Trois Sardines Paperweight

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Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.