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Cote D'Azur Statue |
Rene Lalique Cote D'Azur Statue information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Cote D'Azur Statues page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website. Note: The Côte d'Azur Pullman Express was a luxury train that started service on December 9th, 1929. The train originally ran from Paris to Ventimiglia, Italy (just inside the Italian border) in about 15 hours. The route went through the Côte d'Azur region of France that contains the French Riviera. This model was created for the operators of the train, the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (WL) and the Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (PLM) to commemorate the launch of the new service. The first of those companies (WL) was already famous in its day for being the founder (1883) and operator of the Orient Express, originally from Paris to Istanbul. See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Statues
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