R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Statue Cote D'Azur: 6 and 5/8 inches tall frosted glass with the base just under 5 inches long and just over 2 inches wide and somewhat oval in shape, supporting a nude forward leaning female figure with windswept hair R. Lalique Statue. Lot 117 Est: €3500 - €5000. Model: Statue-Cote D'Azur Circa 1929. EU - France - Paris - Rue Des Mathurins monteauxsarmiento-r@tajan.com +33 153 30 30 30 Catherine Chabrillat is the department head for 20th Century with a direct line of +33 1 53 30 30 52. Jean-Jacques Wattel is the expert with a direct line of +33 1 53 30 30 58. Date of Sale: 2016-03-31   Tajan

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Rene Lalique Statue Cote D'Azur

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