R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Note: There are three different vase of flowers boxes. This one has three vases (the 3rd one is hard to see), and a vertical broken lines design on the side. The other two boxes are very similar to each other. Un Grande Vase-1 Box Model No. 33 has a single large vase on the top with lots of branches hanging down over the vase. And it has a broken lines design on the side that is the same as this box. Un Grande Vase Box Model No. 33bis, has a single large vase on the top with a few branches hanging over the vase on one side, far fewer than Model No 33. And it has a relief vertical lines design on the side, with lines from the top to the bottom of the lid. In addition to the three vase of flowers round models, there is also a basket of flowers oval shaped 1919 Pannier De Roses Box Model No. 21.

Also Note: Rene Lalique made extensive use of vase of flowers designs in many of his creations. The most widespread appearance occurred in the highly popular 1921 Vases Tableware that consisted of 15 different size and form plates and bowls, all with the same basic design. A sample of his other creative implementations were made with the Vase De Fleurs Seal, Vase De Bluets Brooch, the Vase Veronique Sconce, the Vase Deux Anemones Perfume Bottle, and the Bouton De Rose Frame. Comparing these models and others you will find reveals Lalique's ability to re-imagine the same theme or decorative motif over and over in new and functional ways. He also could use a nearly identical motif to good effect in different implementations. We mentioned the Panier De Roses Box above. Compare the basket of flowers design on the box with his decorative and functional implementation in the 1912 Panier De Roses Perfume Bottle.

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R. Lalique Trois Vases Box
2016-11-19  Rene Lalique Trois Vases Box

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R. Lalique Trois Vases Box
2015-09-19  R. Lalique Trois Vases Box

Model No. 37  Circa 1919
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