Archive for the ‘R Lalique – Rene Lalique Authentication Identification’ Category
Lalique Fake Jewelry At Auctions: Fake R.Lalique!
April 7th, 2009
   Rene Lalique Fake Jewelry Appears With Increasing Frequency: There are currently several different jewelry auctions online falsely claiming to be the work of Rene Lalique. This is beginning to look like the start of a trend, there having been a fourth fake R Lalique jewelry auction which just ended recently with a reported sale price of $2000! The jewelry of Rene Lalique is not as well documented as his glass works. So we thought we would highlight some of this fake R Lalique jewellery (a hat tip for our British readers) in the hopes that unsuspecting buyers may be spared an expensive education! Below are the auction listing links (3 current, one ended), and of course, the four photos in this post, all of which are being marketed as period R Lalique jewelry; all of which are fakes. You gotta love the seller of several of these items: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS AND PAYMENT IS DUE IMMEDIATELY”! Really? Or as an alert contributor to the R Lalique Police Section (where all four of these fake R Lalique items are listed) pointed out to us, the other seller says: “I Will Divide Up The Money Among My TREE Children!” Hmmmmmm. Those fans of Hill Street Blues know the old maxim well ……”Be Careful Out There!” Don’t want to fall out of your tree!
PS. Of course, over at the R Lalique Books Library, there are an amazing number of Rene Lalique reference books for R Lalique Jewelry, including the bible of R Lalique Jewelry: Rene Lalique Schmuck und Objects d’art 1890-1910 By Sigrid Barten which has over 1700 photos and is found in the Modern R Lalique Books Section, as well a good number of Rene Lalique jewelry exhibition books and catalogs, and R Lalique jewelry auction catalogues as well.
Tags: R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Fakes-Copies-Frauds, R Lalique and Rene Lalique on Ebay, R Lalique Rene Lalique Auctions News and Results, Rene Lalique Jewelry and R Lalique Jewelry, Suspicious RLalique-R Lalique-Rene Lalique Auctions Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Auction News and Results, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Fakes-Copies-Frauds | No Comments »
Lalique Rarity: The Lalique Vase Agadir – Unusual Post War Lalique Vase That Is Factory Signed R.Lalique!
March 28th, 2009
   Lalique Rare Vase Appears With A Good R.Lalique Signature: The Lalique Vase Agadir! Ring any bells? It’s Lalique Vase model number 12.245. It appears in the catalogue right after the Lalique Vase Everest, which of course is number 12.244, and right before the Lalique Vase Vincennes, number 12.246. But the catalogue is not the Catalogue Raisonne. It’s a 1950’s Lalique Cristal-Paris catalogue. But here it is, in the flesh (a LOT of flesh we might add), with what by all appearances is a good R.Lalique signature. And this sure seems like the sister vase to the Cristal Lalique Vase Paimpol (shown in the last photo below), which is model number 12.240, and which appears in the book Lalique Glass, by Nicholas Dawes on Page 105! As you have likely surmised, this excellent book, among its other virtues, is the favorite Lalique book of Mr. Dawes! Mr. Dawes states in the book that the Paimpol vase had a wheelcut R.Lalique signature. And we have word coming out of a meeting of Oracles held to discuss this very subject, that one of the Oracles that participated in the meeting confirmed beyond doubt the authenticity of the R.Lalique signature on the Paimpol Vase!
So, read from the Ebay Listing – Item Number 310131680828 on the Agadir: “This old signed R. LALIQUE FRANCE vase is 10¾” (27 cm) high and weight app. 27 pounds!!!! The diameter is 11 5/8″ at its widest point and the top diameter is 8¼” large.”
Do you have any R Lalique vases that weigh in at one pound per centimeter? This vase doesn’t really seem to fit nicely into the Archers, Perruches, Serpent, Alicante style, that’s for sure, but other late vases also don’t fit very well either. Of course this one seems particularly ill fitting! What else? It’s heavy like crystal and seems a lot more Mark than Rene in overall style and design.
Hmmmm. All things considered, when the fog of history, the fog of war, and possibly the fog of adult beverages prevent total illumination, it’s best to go back to basic precepts, one of which is: With R Lalique, the signature cannot authenticate the piece! This is true even when the signature is “authentic”! So unless documentation appears in the future showing otherwise, what we have is a post war Cristal Lalique Vase made after the death of Rene Lalique, with an R.Lalique signature applied at the factory.
And for those of you who were wondering this whole time what the name Agadir means, it’s the name of a good sized Atlantic port city in Morocco. The city was made famous in 1911 by the Agadir Crises, in which France, Germany, and England all played a part, and which lead to France establishing a protectorate over Morocco.
Now, the most important question: Who among you has a glass shelf that can hold this monster vase?
Tags: Lalique Crystal - Cristal Lalique Company, R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication, R Lalique and Rene Lalique on Ebay, R Lalique Vases and Rene Lalique Vases Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification | 2 Comments »
A Rene Lalique Bowl Not Shown in the R Lalique Catalogue Raisonne Appears!
March 24th, 2009
Rene Lalique Bowl Gui Not Shown In the RLalique Catalogue Raisonne Appears: At on online auction which ended this week, a rare R Lalique Opalescent Gui Bowl, in the Coupe Ouverte version appeared. There is a record of this bowl having been made, but it has not been documented with a photograph in the Catalogue Raisonne due to its rarity. On page 766 of the 2004 Catalogue Raisonne, there is blank spot for this bowl, with no photo of course, as item number 3322. Obviously with the well documented nature of the works of Rene Lalique, it’s pretty rare to have an item appear that is not shown in the Catalogue Raisonne, so we thought we’d point this bowl out to you, and provide a couple of photos of the bowl. A nice example of the work of Rene Lalique in a form not often seen. Overall, a pleasant shaped bowl with good opalescence. And for a bit over $800, seems like a great buy for a rare product of the great Lalique. And at least for now 🙂 the new owner can point to owning a piece “that is so rare it’s not even shown in the Catalogue Raisonne!” That surely is not something most collectors can say.
Tags: R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification | No Comments »
R Lalique Alterations – Not All Bad
January 23rd, 2009
At Bonhams in Honiton (UK) later this month, appears an item described as follows:
Lot No: 399 A René Lalique lidded preserve bowl of oval form, decorated with frosted and polished glass flower heads, the base marked ‘R Lalique’, 12cm long.
Here is a direct link to the Lot 399 Item Page at the Bonhams Website!
And what we see when we get there is a Dinard (Rose) Covered Box, that likely sustained some damage in its day to the cover, and which has apparently (the photo angle is not good) been cleverly polished to create an object with a purpose! A nice demonstration that all alterations aren’t bad; the point is to know what you’re getting and make your purchase and price decision accordingly. This is a positive example of a great looking R Lalique design item made useful again. Of some disappointment is the fact that they don’t address in the listing if you get to keep the spoon if you buy the box! Of course, the way we heard it, it was not the box, but the dish that ran away with the spoon. In any event, we have a side by side photo on our R Lalique Tailor Shop Missing Material – Alterations Page where you can see this box pictured next to one without a spoon.
Tags: R Lalique and Rene Lalique Alterations, R Lalique Rene Lalique Auctions News and Results, Rene Lalique Boxes and R Lalique Covered Boxes Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification | No Comments »
What RLalique Is This?
October 25th, 2008
 A long time collector has had this piece for a long time…makes sense.
The collector bought it as a cachet. Not in the cachet section of any book we’ve seen.
RLalique? A clever ploy?
An un-recorded cachet? A converted stopper? A missing piece to a really big puzzle?
A photoshop photo of nothing created to perplex readers of this blog? And what is with the removable metal thing on the bottom, obviously removed for the upside down photo?
Hmmm. Does anyone have any thoughts on what it is?   
UPDATE December 2017:
This has been resolved! 
The perfume bottle for the Miro Dena fragrance Ambre Nouveau and the same bottle for D’Argelys Eau De Cologne and their fragrance Amante have this one side decorated grapes on vines “seal” as their stopper!
The bottle was made by the H. Saumont Glassworks in the late 1920’s.
Tags: R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication, R Lalique Rene Lalique Seals Cachets Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification | 1 Comment »
New Features – RLalique Police and RLalique Wanted
October 17th, 2008

A great day here at Today we launch two new sections adding major new features for the entire RLalique community. First, the RLalique Police! The purpose of this section is to give users of our site a place to tell the community about suspicious RLalique items in online auctions, and to give everyone a chance to talk about the items, make comments and observations, and share their knowledge about the actual identity of the suspicious items. There are two parts to this new feature; the RLalique Police Blog Thread that is the place where you can leave a comment pointing to a suspicious listing, or comment on previous listings reported by other users. We will copy those listings to the new RLalique Police Section, which will simply have a list of suspicious RLalique items at auction reported by users in the RLalique Police Blog Thread. The point of the section is to sort out the actual suspicious listings from the blog comments for easy and fast reference by users concerned about particular items online that they might be considering. The RLalique Police Blog Thread is just below this announcement, and that thread is linked from the RLalique Police Section. This has been our most requested feature since the inception of and we have high hopes for users to have a chance to contribute to the greater pool of information for the entire RLalique community through the new RLalique Police Blog Thread and RLalique Police Section.
The second new feature is the RLalique Wanted Section, where users can list specific RLalique items they are looking to add to their collections. This should provide a way for active collectors to get the word out about items they want to find, and it’s also a great way for collectors that have a matching piece, to have a chance to make a sale to someone they know is looking for the item they have, at a reasonable commission rate, and where both parties’ identify is kept confidential. A Win-Win-Win situation.
Please take a minute to check out our new features. We hope you will participate in listing any RLalique items you are seriously looking for in the RLalique Wanted Section, and that you will take the time to point out suspicious RLalique online auction listings, and share whatever knowledge you have about these items as they appear.
Finally, we’ve added another row of picture links near the bottom of our Home Page, to link these two new sections directly from the graphics area of the Home Page. And we’ve added these additional links to all of the navigation bars throughout We pride ourselves on the ease of use of, and we hope you find these additions and improvements to your liking. As we might have mentioned before, we know your time is valuable, and we appreciate the time you spend here with us at We are working hard to ensure that your time is well spent and we appreciate any and every contribution you are willing to make to help improve the overall RLalique community.
Tags: R Lalique and Rene Lalique Wanted To Buy,, Suspicious RLalique-R Lalique-Rene Lalique Auctions Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Fakes-Copies-Frauds, R Lalique Ramblings | 1 Comment »
Suspicious RLalique Online Auction Listings Thread
October 17th, 2008
This is our running thread on Suspicious RLalique Online Auctions brought to our attention by readers of This is THE PLACE to post suspicious online listings by leaving a comment to this post. This thread is for items that are NOT RLalique, and we include in this thread online RLalique auctions where there is no actual RLalique item (the stolen photo auctions). We started this thread in response to reader requests. To submit a suspicious item, or comment about an item already listed in this thread, leave your comment here. We welcome comments on items that have already been posted here, concerning all the various subjects surrounding a fake listing; from the actual identify of the item, to any patterns of deception or things that can be learned from a specific listing. If an item is a real RLalique item, and you have concerns about condition or quality, this is not the place to comment. For help with real RLalique items, please check out our RLalique Consulting Services Section. Two final notes: First, you have to register to comment, by clicking the register link on the sidebar of any blog page. Your name and email address (the two main things to register) do not appear in your comments when they are published. By taking the time to identify fake RLalique appearing in online auctions, and sharing your knowledge with the greater RLalique community, you help to strengthen the entire RLalique collecting field, and you may save a fellow enthusiast from a big headache. Finally, one common sense observation from our standpoint. Not all sellers of a suspicious item are bad people. For example, someone buys an item at an estate sale or antique shop, thinking it’s a great RLalique bargain, then goes home and lists it in an online auction, not knowing the facts. That’s a different story than the seller that adds an RLalique signature to a non RLalique piece to try and increase the value, or that knowingly passes along a fake. It’s often hard or impossible to know or guess at the truth of each circumstance. What matters most is the fact of the item; whether it’s RLalique or not, and for you as a collector to be as educated as possible to know the difference between the good, the bad, and the ugly. We look forward to your contributions.
Tags: R Lalique and Rene Lalique Blog Threads, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Fakes-Copies-Frauds,, Suspicious RLalique-R Lalique-Rene Lalique Auctions Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification, R Lalique and Rene Lalique Fakes-Copies-Frauds | 97 Comments »
Rene Lalique Vase Bacchantes with Tragic Damage
September 27th, 2008
The photo in this post says it all. The Ebay seller says it would sell for thousands if not broken. It sounds like they have no idea. A total tragedy to see such a great RLalique item go down the tubes. Unfortunately, it’s likely that every day, somewhere in the world, a great piece of RLalique glass gets destroyed or severely damaged by accident. And with both natural and man made disasters (earthquakes, riots, war) likely taking out plenty of pieces as well, it’s all the more important that those of us entrusted as custodians of the works of the great Rene Lalique, take special care with them, so that we can usher these wonderful works of art into the future and transfer them intact to the next generation of collectors and enthusiasts.
For more information about the great vases of Rene Lalique, see the Lalique Vases section of the Rene Lalique Biography.
Tags: R Lalique Vases and Rene Lalique Vases, RLalique-R Lalique-Rene Lalique Damaged-Destroyed Posted in R Lalique - Rene Lalique Authentication Identification | 2 Comments »