The Art of Rene Lalique Flacons And Powder Boxes By Lefkowith, Christie Mayer 2010 English 498 Pages, 703 R.Lalique Items in Photos New in Manufacturer's Shrinkwrap Condition Hard Cover With Dust Jacket A historical narrative format that is extremely detailed and heavily illustrated history of R. Lalique Perfume Bottles and Boxes including information on the perfume company clients and the development of the various designs and motifs. Canada shipping is $25. UK, Japan, France, Germany shipping is $45. OUT OF STOCK Stock No. 939 $150 |
R. Lalique Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre De Verre By Marcilhac, Felix 2011 French 1064 Pages, 4000 R.Lalique Items in Photos Brand New Condition Hardcover with slipcase and dust cover Green heavy dust jacket over gray board in hard slipcase that matches the dust jacket. Important reference for the glass works of Rene Lalique. 13 inches by 10 inches by 3 inches. New. Also see R. Lalique Catalogue Raisonne in the For Sale section, and Lalique Catalogue Raisonne announcement and additional information in the News & Blog. FREE SHIPPING VIA POSTAL MEDIA MAIL (or UPS - our choice) IN THE 50 UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO. Post office boxes require advance approval before shipment. Most addresses in Australia, Japan, France, England, and Germany are $110 for air shipping. Canada is $75. The shipping box total weight is about 16 pounds. For international shipments, email your address details including postal code for a shipping quote. Stock No. 938 $OUT OF STOCK |
Rene Lalique Bijoux By Marianne Bernhard 1996 French 64 Pages, 31 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Book of Rene Lalique Jewelry, showing 32 mostly full page colored photographs of RLalique Jewelry, and 30 pages of history and commentary on Rene Lalique. French text. 9" by 11" Stock No. 86 $Temporarily Out Of Stock |
Lalique Glass By Dawes, Nicholas 1986 English 152 Pages, 250 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue cloth over boards, profusely illustrated, 10" by 9", standard R Lalique reference work and history of Rene Lalique. Stock No. 562 $50 |
The Art of Rene Lalique By Bayer, Patricia and Waller, Mark 1996 English 192 Pages, 350 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Black cloth over boards, 13" by 10" oversized, profusely illustrated, standard R Lalique reference work and history of Rene Lalique Stock No. 563 $40 |
Lalique By Mortimer, Tony L. 1989 English 128 Pages, 140 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Black cloth over boards, profusely illustrated 10" by 9" standard Lalique reference work Stock No. 564 $50 |
Lalique By Hodge, Jessica 1999 English 144 Pages, 300 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Glossy printed pictorial boards, profusely illustrated, mainly in color, and mainly with photos out of major auction catalogs. Includes photos of several Bohemian Glass items improperly identified as RLalique Glass. Lots of standard information concerning Rene Lalique. 12" by 12" Stock No. 565 $25 |
Lalique Perfume Bottles By Utt, Glenn and Utt, Mary 1990 English 160 Pages, 282 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Black cloth over boards, profusely illustrated 10" by 9" standard reference work for RLalique Perfume Bottles. There are two supplements that were published by the Utts in 2001 to update this book. One a photo supplement, and one updated addendum listing. Stock No. 566 $60 |
Lalique Perfume Bottles Photo Supplement - supplement to the classic work Lalique Perfume Bottles by Utt By Utt, Glenn and Utt, Mary 2001 English 22 Pages, 87 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Photo supplement to the Utt book Lalique Perfume Bottles. Lots of photos of R. Lalique bottles not shown in the original work. Appear to be self published (by the Utts), plastic slip cover and slip on plastic edge binder, front page color, all other black and white. Basically, a photocopied compilation of about 80 photos, of which about 30 are modern bottles. 8" by 11" Stock No. 567 $15 |
Lalique Perfume Bottles Updated Addendum Listing - supplement to the Utt's classic work Lalique Perfume Bottles By Utt, Glenn and Utt, Mary 2001 English 76 Pages, 0 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Spiral Bound photocopied pages includes complete descriptions to 87 RLalique perfume bottles not included in the Utt's original book. Well presented and well organized, appears to be self published. 8" by 11" Stock No. 568 $25 |
Introduction to Lalique Glass By McClinton, Katharine Morrison 1978 English 112 Pages, 240 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue boards, profusely illustrated, standard early modern reference, 12" by 9", Stock No. 569 $60 |
Lalique For Collectors By McClinton, Katharine Morrison 1975 English 152 Pages, 185 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Tan boards, profusely illustrated, most black and white, standard early modern reference, 7" by 9" Stock No. 570 $60 |
The Glass of Lalique A Collector's Guide By Percy, Christopher Vane, 1977 English 192 Pages, 172 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue boards, profusely illustrated, 12" by 9", standard early modern reference Stock No. 571 $60 |
Rene Lalique - Das Glass By Percy, Christopher Vane, 1981 German 192 Pages, 172 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue boards, German language edition of the standard reference work by Percy titled, The Glass of Lalique (which was re-released in 1989 titled, Lalique A Collector's Guide by Crescent). Profusely illustrated, 12" by 9" Stock No. 572 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
Lalique A Collector's Guide By Percy, Christopher Vane, 1989 English 192 Pages, 172 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue boards, profusely illustrated, 12" by 9", standard early modern reference, re-release with apparently identical content in identical format of the 1977 book The Glass of Lalique, A Collector's Guide. This version has a different cover photo, but appears to be the same in all other respects. Stock No. 573 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
Lalique By McDonald, Jesse 1995 English 112 Pages, 80 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Black boards, large lavish color plates, in oversized book, 14" by 11", standard modern reference, coffee table book format Stock No. 574 $60 |
Lalique Par Lalique By Lalique, Marc and Marie Claude 1977 or 1983 English/French 309 Pages, 300 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Brown cloth over boards, profusely illustrated, published by or for the Societe Lalique, mostly RLalique items, but some modern crystal items as well (maybe 100 plus modern items shown), book is mainly photos with short history of Rene Lalique, 9" by 12". This is the first of two versions of this book, a second larger 635 page version with more modern crystal items was published in 1988 by par Marie-Claude. Many original Rene Lalique drawings, jewelry, and rare items are shown. Stock No. 575 $100 |
Lalique Par Marie-Claude Lalique By Lalique, Marie Claude 1988 English/French 635 Pages, 0 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Grey boards, 9" by 12", tons of modern crystal photos in addition to the 150 or so RLalique items, history of Rene Lalique, earlier smaller version of this book was published 1977 par Marie-Claude and Marc. Stock No. 576 $150 |
Lalique Glass - The Complete Illustrated Catalogue for 1932 (Reprint) By Rene Lalique et Cie 1981 French 149 Pages, 1500 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Reprint of the original 1932 RLalique Salesman's catalog. 9" by 11, it contains pictures in catalog format of the majority of the glass items offered for sale by Rene Lalique. An original 1932 catalog, one of the premier reference and ephemera items of the entire Art Deco and Art Nouveau era, is available in the Original RLalique Material Category in this Books and Reference Material Section. Of course, it costs a bit more! Stock No. 577 $35 |
Catalogue Des Verreries De Rene Lalique - a privately commissioned modern reprint of the 1932 Catalogue By Rene Lalique et Cie undated French 144 Pages, 1500 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Privately commission reprint of the original 1932 Rene Lalique Salesman's Catalogue, high quality softcover formatted in long paper as the original, unlike the Dover 1981 Edition which is re-formatted to modern book dimensions. There is no modern publisher and no modern date printed on this copy. Has decorative tassle. 13" by 10" Stock No. 578 $50 |
R.Lalique Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre De Verre Nouvelle Edition Mise A Jour By Marcilhac, Felix 2004 French 1063 Pages, 4000 R.Lalique Items in Photos New Condition Hardcover w/DJ and slipcase Dark grey boards, this is the 3rd edition (red dust cover and matching red slipcase) of this invaluable Rene Lalique reference work. 13" by 10", This is the one Rene Lalique reference book needed by every serious collector. This edition is out of print, but the 4th Edition was released in September 2011. See the new R. Lalique Catalogue Raisonne for sale, and the Lalique Catalogue Raisonne announcement and information in the News & Blog section of the website. Stock No. 579 $600 |
The Essential Rene Lalique By Warmus, William 2003 English 112 Pages, 145 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Orange boards, small 6" by 6" book, mainly color photos of R. Lalique items. Stock No. 580 $20 |
Lalique By Arwas, Victor 1980 English 88 Pages, 40 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover 40 full page color photos and a few pages of information on Rene Lalique, 6" by 9" Stock No. 581 $35 |
Collecting Lalique Glass By Prescott-Walker, Robert 1996 English 118 Pages, 225 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Tons of photos and lots of information, including signature samples, buying advice, historical information, fakes, etc. Mainly in color. Very similar in photos and content to Collecting Laique Perfume Bottles & Glass by the same author. 7" by 10" Stock No. 582 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
Collecting Lalique Perfume Bottles & Glass By Prescott-Walker, Robert 2001 English 118 Pages, 250 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Tons of photos and lots of information, including signature samples, buying advice, fakes, etc. Mainly in color. Very similar in photos and content to Collecting Lalique Glass by the same author. 7" by 10" Stock No. 583 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
A Guide to Fraudulent Lalique By Glaze, Carol and Bley, Alice 1981 English 32 Pages, 3 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Apparently self published disucsses the various kinds of fraudulent Rlalique and has lot of illustrations of common spurious items sold as R Lalique. 6" by 9" Stock No. 584 $$50 |
LaCollection 1900 Rene Lalique I, Japan, 1990 By unknown 1990 Japanese/English 48 Pages, 25 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardover La Collection 1900, Rene Lalique I, is the 7th book in a 10 volume set documenting a collection in Japan of amazing turn of the century Decorative Arts. This volume is 1 of 2 (the other is the 8th book of the 10) dedicated totally to the work of Rene Lalique. Amazing R Lalique photos, the text is in Japanese, but the item descriptions are also given in English. 9" by 12". Published without dust jacket. Stock No. 604 $100 |
LaCollection 1900 Rene Lalique II, Japan, 1990 By unknown 1990 Japanese/English 48 Pages, 30 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardover La Collection 1900, Rene Lalique II, is the 8th book in a 10 volume set documenting a collection in Japan of amazing turn of the century Decorative Arts. This volume is 1 of 2 (the other is the 7th book of the 10) dedicated totally to the work of Rene Lalique. Amazing R Lalique photos, the text is in Japanese, but the item descriptions are also given in English. 9" by 12". Published without dust jacket. Stock No. 605 $100 |
Rene Lalique By unknown 1989 Japanese/English 176 Pages, 225 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Blue boards, profusely illustrated, Japanese and English, with introduction by Marie-Claude Lalique. Laid out more like an exhibition catalog, commentary and history, 243 R Lalique Items, most photographed. 9" by 12". Stock No. 608 $TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK |
Rene Lalique By unknown 1990 Japanese 74 Pages, 33 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Picture book, showing 33 R Lalique items in great photos. No commentary, just photos and item details (name, height, etc). 9" by 8". Stock No. 610 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
Rene Lalique Schmuck und Objets d'art 1890-1910 By Barten, Sigrid 1977 German 592 Pages, 1768 R.Lalique Items in Photos Good Condition Hardcover w/DJ Cloth over boards. Seminal (and most complete) work for cataloging R. Lalique Jewelry and metal objects. Text in German. 104 R. Lalique photos in color, 1644 black and white. 9" by 10" Very good condition with dustjacket. Note: The dustcover on the book is present but is rough. The book itself is in good condition. Stock No. 622 $250 |
Agenda Lalique By Museu Calouste Gulbenkian 1991 Portuguese 190 Pages, 24 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Hardcover Personal Calendar for keeping your schedule. Good for any year, as no year is listed, only each date and month is listed. Great colored photos of RLalique Jewlery from the Gulbenkian collection interspersed among the various months. Introduction and detailed information about each pictured item in Portuguese. Great item for the RLalique enthusiast. 7" by 7", built in tassle bookmark. Published without dust jacket Stock No. 625 $50 |
Lalque, Beaux Arts, 1991 By Various 1991 French 58 Pages, 75 R.Lalique Items in Photos Very Good Condition Softcover Stiff cover and pages, dedicated to Rene Lalique, appears to be one of a series by Beaux Arts. History and great RLalique color photos, also some modern Lalique Crystal in addition to all the RLalique items. Introduction by Yvonne Brunhammer. 9" by 12" Stock No. 628 $Temporarily Out of Stock |
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