R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Bacchantes with Tragic Damage

The photo in this post says it all. The Ebay seller says it would sell for thousands if not broken. It sounds like they have no idea. A total tragedy to see such a great RLalique item go down the tubes. Unfortunately, it’s likely that every day, somewhere in the world, a great piece of RLalique glass gets destroyed or severely damaged by accident. And with both natural and man made disasters (earthquakes, riots, war) likely taking out plenty of pieces as well, it’s all the more important that those of us entrusted as custodians of the works of the great Rene Lalique, take special care with them, so that we can usher these wonderful works of art into the future and transfer them intact to the next generation of collectors and enthusiasts.

For more information about the great vases of Rene Lalique, see the Lalique Vases section of the Rene Lalique Biography.

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2 Responses to “Rene Lalique Vase Bacchantes with Tragic Damage”

  1. 1 says:

    The vase will never look OK. It assumedly can be glued back together, but there will be a very lot of glue and crack lines running thru it that will unfortunately be the focal point of the vase. Heating up the glass to kind of stick it all back together just does not work. You might as well change the name of the vase from Bacchantes to Humpty-Dumpty. A seriously bad ending for a great piece of RLalique.

  2. 6 says:

    Is there anything to be done with this kind of damage? Can it be heated up and put back together or glued together and made to look ok?

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