R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts And R Lalique Collectors

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Posts Tagged ‘R Lalique RLalique and Rene Lalique Blog’

Welcome To The R. Lalique Blog

September 8th, 2024

Glad you stopped by to visit! Here we report R. Lalique news, auction results, upcoming event information, and our observations and opinions about the entire World of R. Lalique. If there is any topic you’d like to see covered, please drop us a note at info@rlalique.com. All R. Lalique enthusiasts, all admirers of Rene Lalique, and all interested R. Lalique collectors and observers are welcome to participate. Comments, additions, corrections, new information, and bug reports, are greatly appreciated!! Hope to see you hanging around the Blog!

Rene Lalique Worldwide: R. Lalique Global! Here’s What We’re Talking About: Record! Record! Record!

December 1st, 2010

Rene Lalique Gros Scarabees Vase At Heritage December 4th in New YorkToday, December 1st, 2010, we set the record at RLalique.com for most auctions listed in the Worldwide R. Lalique Auctions Section of the website at one time, with 100 auctions listed coming up around the world that have R. Lalique in them! From Budapest to Boston, and from Melbourne to Manasquan (that’s in New Jersey:), great R. Lalique works coming up for auction such as those pictured here! Global warming has nothing on RLalique.com. At World Headquarters we are HOT!

And, in the don’t break your elbow while patting yourself on the back department (oh yea, we’ve got a department for that too), even more impressive, those auctions are spread around 14 countries! That’s right 14, which is a new record for the number of countries listed at any one time.

Rene Lalique Enfants Statue at Christies December 9th in London at South KensingtonHere’s the country list for inquiring minds:

Great Britain
New Zealand
South Africa
United States

We also set a record in the R. Lalique Police Department this month with 50 active listings on the Police Report Page at one time!

As our reach grows and the popularity of the site continues to grows, more and more information flows into World Headquarters and back out to benefit those of you that follow the site and are involved with the output of Rene Lalique.

Rene Lalique Douze Figurines Vase At Heritage December 4th in New YorkMore bidders, more auction action for the works of the great Lalique, more exposure in the art world, more publicity, better prices: Everyone benefits!

And think about joining the growing list of Collectors and Enthusiasts of the great Lalique that help keep us informed, emailing in auction information, information on fakes news, pricing and results, even condition information if you think it’s important. Pick any email address on the site if you think something will be helpful to the growing worldwide collector community and send it in. You’ll be helping a lot of R. Lalique enthusiasts by getting involved, and you’ll be helping yourself by contributing to the improvement of the collecting and enthusiasts’ field which you have in common with a lot of people you know, and lot more that you don’t.

R. Lalique is setting records. So are we. Spread the word.

Back where I come from……….

January 4th, 2009

Red Heart……………………..there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called phila…er — er — philanth-er — er, yes…er …..good-deed-doers! And their hearts are no bigger than yours. But! They have one thing you haven’t got! A Testimonial!

Server Outage For Several Hours – Our Apologies

September 10th, 2008

Our Web Host (Network Solutions) had some problems last night, the result being that our server was down for some time and the site was not accessible without even a “temporarily unavailable” page appearing. We went with Network Solutions when we first started because they have a reputation for reliability, and we didn’t expect this could happen. For those of you that tried to access the site and found it unavailable, we’re sorry for any inconvenience it has caused. We also see that many of our search rankings went in the tank this morning for the first time ever, and don’t know if it’s related or not to the fact that the search services would have been unable to find the site (see “Dumb Luck” posts for discussion on our search standing….  well, our former search standing:). Anyway, we’re working with Network Solutions to try and make sure it doesn’t happen again. And of course the good news is we are up and running, several new worldwide auctions have already been posted this morning in our RLalique At Auction Section, and some new For Sale Items will be coming online today in the RLalique For Sale Section including the wonderful Six Figurines et Masques Vase shown here.

Yahoo Search Joins The Believers! Now we’re No. 1 in your hearts AND No. 1 in your Yahoo search!

September 3rd, 2008

Dumb Lucky We Are!RLalique.com was found by Yahoo this weekend! Amazingly, we are listed in their search for rlalique as Number 1!!!!! AND, we are in the top ten for the other typical searches such as r lalique, or r. lalique. Totally great! Hope our good fortune continues in the “search” department. It might be that our vast content overwhelms the efforts of paid search engine consultants and puts us on top. And of course, there is that factor that we talked about previously in regard to our Number 1 ranking with Google’s search engine; see movie poster :). We hope our good fortune continues.

Google Search LOVES RLalique.com

August 26th, 2008

In just the couple short weeks that RLalique.com has been up and running, even Google has taken notice!! This morning, we typed the keyword rlalique in Google, and guess who is the Number ONE Google search result ….. OK, you probably can figure who it is since we are making a big deal about it, but it’s RLaique.com! Yippee! We are also in the top 10 already for what we think are the other typical searches: r. lalique, r lalique, and r.lalique. Unbelievable! Go to Google Search and check it out for yourself. You’ll see us right there at the top of the list. Anyway we are enjoying our new status, since for all we know we can go down to number 100 in a week. And unlike a lot of websites, we don’t pay anyone to work on getting us search rankings. So it’s either what grandma always said about good things happening to good people (OK, probably not that :), or just dumb luck. Hmmmmmmmm…………….


Copyright 2014 by City Concession Co. of Arizona Inc. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.