R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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A Stand-Up R Lalique Beetle? Doesn’t That Bug You? The Dangerfield Gros Scarabees Vase!

Not R Lalique - Fake Gros Scarabees Beetle VaseAn R Lalique Ask Yourself This: What do some recently appearing clear and frosted Gros Scarabees Beetle Vases and Ebeneezer Scrooge have in common? Nothing jumps to mind? 🙂 Here’s what you do to find out. Check out this photo of a fake Rene Lalique Gros Scarabees Vase! Don’t spend too much time identifying the various smaller differences between it and the documented Gros Scarabees like the one shown in the Catalogue Raisonne, or the great Cased Green Gros Scarabees Vase in the Lalique For Sale Section here at RLalique.com, or the one shown in the R Lalique 1932 Catalogue. Just focus in on the bottom row of beetles. Is that beetle in the middle doing a “stand up” comedy routine? Documented Gros Scarabees Vases don’t have a beetle standing straight up in the bottom row. Don’t walk, run, from a comic wannabee beetle. We’ve taken to calling these the “Dangerfield Beetle Vases”! So many puns on so many levels. Who can “stand” this stuff? And as always with supposed R Lalique items that may not be what they are represented to be; don’t waste a lot of time questioning the motives of the seller, if they know, if they care, whatever. The only thing that’s important is to be educated and know what you are buying. Or more importantly, to know what not to buy. We’ve seen these vases in Africa, in Europe and in the United States. They are very high quality, so be aware! One last observation: It seems that whoever made this mold wasn’t trying to pass anything off as R Lalique at the time. They were just nearly copying a great design. No different in concept really than the Consolidated Perruches Vase for example, a near copy of a great design that was not made to be sold as R Lalique. It appears likely that the maker of the mold for these vases purposefully didn’t make an exact copy, because from the quality, it seems they almost certainly could have closed the last few gaps if that was their original intention. It’s the addition of the R Lalique signature that starts these vases down the path of the dark side! Oh…… Scrooge and a Beetle? – Bah HumBug! And as the late and great Paul Harvey said from time to time; Now you know the rest of the story!

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