R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


The Address For:
The Worldwide Gathering Place Of René
Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

None of the items shown below are the work of Rene Lalique. None are R.Lalique. But each was put up for sale represented to be the work of Lalique. NOTE: The items on this page are from a myriad of manufacturers, and were not originally created with the intent to deceive anyone. Many of these items are collectible on their own for what they really are. It is only the addition of a spurious R. Lalique signature, or the making of a representation that they are R. Lalique items, that put them in this Rene Lalique Forgeries category. If you don't see your item here and are still concerned, check out our Authentication Services.

There is a special category of jewelry that appears frequently represented as the work of Lalique. This jewelry bears the signature LR as shown on the first piece in the first row of photos below. Because of the way the L and R are woven together in the mark, it is often confused as RL, and by extension Rene Lalique. This LR mark appears on several pieces on this page. The jewelry with that LR mark is the work of a notable French medalist and sculpure from the last half of the 19th century. These pieces are so often mis-represented as the work of Rene Lalique, that we've created a special page with biographical information and extensive photo examples of the work of the French designer and jeweler of the LR mark: Louis Rault.

Fake Rene Lalique Medallion Pendant Of A Helmeted Female Figure In ProfileFake Rene Lalique Hat Pin

Fake Rene Lalique PendantFake Rene Lalique Pendant With Birds And A Fake R. Lalique Signature


Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Example-2Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Example-4Fake Rene Lalique Necklace Example-3

Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Example-1Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Woman In ProfileFake Rene Lalique Brooch

Fake Rene Lalique Medal MeroveeFake Rene Lalique Medal Republique FrancaisFake Rene Lalique Medal Louis XIV


Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Example-7Fake Rene Lalique Snake Brooch

Fake Rene Lalique LocketFake Rene Lalique Pendant Of Helmeted Female Figure In MedallionFake Rene Lalique Pendant Of Profile Of Female Figure

Fake Rene Lalique Pendant Of Profile Of Merovee

Fake Rene Lalique Bracelet of Dark Bakelite

Fake Rene Lalique Belt Buckle With Tiffany On Reverse and Peacock Design On Front

Fake Rene Lalique Neckalce With Beads And Scrollwork Decor

Fake Rene Lalique Necklace With Yellow Amber Beads

\Fake Rene Lalique Pedndant In Blue Glass With Blue Beads Being A Close Copy of the Lys R. Lalique Pendant

Fake Rene Lalique Belt Buckle With The Words Cinquantenaire De L'Ecole Laique 1881-1931 J.Ferry-Paul Bert


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Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.