R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Oran Vase information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Oran Vases page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Oran is a city in northwest Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea. It has a population of over 750,000 people (2018) with double that in the overall metropolitan area. The city can trace its roots to Roman times, after which it disappeared but was restarted around 900 by ethnic traders. As time passed, sway over Oran was held by various Islamic Dynasties, then came the Spanish around 1500 who traded sway with the Ottomans, and finally the French in 1831 who ruled during the entire lifetime of Lalique and until the 1962 independence of modern day Algeria.

Also Note: This is not the only commercial model Lalique gave an Algerian associated name. See the Alger Tableware and Biskra Vase where you'll find more France/Algeria information.

Also Note: And here is a link to a map of French Algeria showing the locations of the cities whose names were used by Lalique.

Also Note: This vase is known in 1 size of approximately 26 cm.

Also Note: This is one of 17 vases that is documented as having been sold as a reflecteur lamp. This was a vase with a small pencil size hole drilled in the lower side just above the base for inserting an electric cord. A reflecteur holding a bulb and reflecting the light upwards was fixed inside the vase. If we have an example of this vase as a reflecteur in the catalogue (even if the only evidence remaining is the small hole), then this reflecteur lamp link will take you to that model page in the catalogue.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Vases

All Lalique Oran Vases
R. Lalique Oran Vase
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Signature Photo
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R. Lalique Oran Vase
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Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
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R. Lalique Oran Vase
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R. Lalique Oran Vase
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Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2020-12-12  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2020-02-11  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2019-12-14  Lalique Oran Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2019-05-19  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2018-12-19  Lalique Oran Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2018-10-13  Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2018-06-01  Lalique Oran Vase

Sales Results
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2018-03-21  Lalique Oran Vase

Sales Results
R. Lalique Oran Vase
2017-08-06  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2016-12-02  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2016-07-26  R. Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2016-05-12  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2016-04-23  R. Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2015-03-30  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2013-04-16  Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2012-09-20  Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Opalescent Vase
2012-08-15  R. Lalique Oran Opalescent Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2012-07-18  R. Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2011-04-20  Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2009-06-16  Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2009-06-14  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2009-06-06  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2008-09-13  Rene Lalique Oran Vase

R. Lalique Oran Vase
2006-11-27  Lalique Oran Vase

Model No. 999  Circa 1927
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Opalescent Vase
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