R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Alger Glass information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Alger Glasses page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: In 1830 the French invaded and took control of what they called Alger in North Africa. It was nearly 10 years later in 1839 that they switched to calling it Algérie (Algeria) instead of Alger. But Alger came back about 10 years after that in 1948 when they divided their conquest into three administrative areas (departments). Alger became the geographically central department (flanked by the departments Oran and Constantine), and it also contained the city of the same name (present day Algiers). For the next 100 years, a period that encompassed Lalique's entire lifetime, the three departments, all bordering the Med, constituted the entire colony or province of French Algeria. It wasn't until the 1950's that the French annexed the large section south of their original conquest (the Sahara) to create what would become the largest country in Africa (11 times the size of the three departments) when it gained independence in 1962.

Also Note: This is not the only commercial model Lalique gave an Algerian associated name. See the Oran Vase and Biskra Vase where you'll find more France/Algeria information.

Also Note: Here is a link to a map of French Algeria showing the locations of the cities whose names were used by Lalique.

Also Note: There are no Alger plates or bowls.

Also Note: In the modern repros we show a typical Alger glass and also a snifter shaped Alger glass that was only made in crystal post-war. These modern snifter shaped glasses have appeared represented as pre-war glasses from time to time. They cannot be R. Lalique, and we felt this was our most useful place to call it out.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Glasses

Further down the left column are other size and model number glasses of this design, including different shapes if applicable to this model.

All Lalique Alger Glasses
R. Lalique Alger Glass
2017-05-11  Rene Lalique Alger Glass

R. Lalique Alger Wine Glass
2013-03-21  Rene Lalique Alger Wine Glass

Sales Results
R. Lalique Alger Glass
2010-08-15  Lalique Alger Glass

Sales Results
Other Sizes And Model Nos.
Alger Glasses
Rene Lalique Alger Champagne Glass
2014-01-19  Rene Lalique Alger Champagne Glass

Model 5342
Rene Lalique Alger Champagne Glass
2012-06-07  Rene Lalique Alger Champagne Glass

Model 5342
Sales Results
Rene Lalique Alger Glass
2012-03-29  R. Lalique Alger Glass

Model 5338
Rene Lalique Alger Drinking Glass
2011-03-27  Rene Lalique Alger Drinking Glass

Model 5340
Sales Results
Model No. 5341  Circa 1934
Other names for this Alger:
Other types for this Glass:
Wine Glass
Glass Models Of This Design
Shapes Index & Notes
Height Approx Cm
     Model     Shape        Height
     3780    Stem-Th       11.5
     5338    Stem-Th       12.5
     5339    Stem-Th       11.5
     5340    Stem-Th       11
     5341    Stem-Th       10
     5342    Stem-Th-Ch       9
     5343    Stem-Th       8.5
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