R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Lamps: On this page is an example of each model of Lalique Lamp in our database. The links will take you to the main page for each R. Lalique lamp model. That main model page will contain a wealth of information for each model and links to other sections of the website relevant to that particular design. Lamps include some lighted decorations originally made that way by Rene Lalique et Cie. Veilluses (small lamps) to include some veilluse models made as perfume burners are also included here.

If you don't see your lamp here, check Perfume Burners, Decorations, and Architectural for other lighted objects that are sometimes called lamps. Also check Bowls and Chandeliers for objects that might have later been converted to make a lamp. And look in Shades for lamps created using R. Lalique tulipes and other shades.

NOTE: Many R. Lalique items such as vases, bowls and even perfume bottles were converted to lamps after they left the factory. Many items later converted to lamps currently are shown below after the factory lamp models. So a Ronces Vase that was converted to a lamp will appear below, and that photo will link to the Ronces Vase page. Certain vase models were made into lamps at the factory. These models, if they are the factory original versions and not later converted vases, are shown along with the other commercial lamps in the first section. Before even considering the purchase of a vase converted to a lamp, or an original vase/lamp version from the factory, we strong urge you to read the following article on the value of damaged R. Lalique that also address the factory conversions of some vases to sell as lamps.

BE AWARE: R. Lalique lamp models with damaged shades, later non R. Lalique replacement shades, or no shade at all are greatly discounted by the market. Typically MOST of the value of an R. Lalique lamp evaporates when the right shade is not present and in good order. For all models, the chance of finding an original replacement shade is close to or equal to ZERO!

56 R. Lalique Lamps Are Shown Out Of The Approximately 70 Models

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Rene Lalique Amours Lamp
Rene Lalique Amours-2 Lamp
Rene Lalique Bacchante Lamp
Rene Lalique Bacchante-2 Lamp
Rene Lalique Bague Personnages Lamp
Rene Lalique Bague Serpents Lamp
Rene Lalique Belier Lamp
Rene Lalique Boutons D'Or Lamp
Rene Lalique Branches de Prunus Veilleuse
Rene Lalique Camaret Lamp
Rene Lalique Camelia Lamp
Rene Lalique Cardamine Lamp
Rene Lalique Cariatides Lamp
Rene Lalique Cerises Reflecteur Lamp
Rene Lalique Chardons Chambranle Rainure Lamp
Rene Lalique Cyclamen Lamp
Rene Lalique Deux Paons Lamp
Rene Lalique Enfant Et Raisins Lamp
Rene Lalique Enfants Lamp
Rene Lalique Entrelacs Lamp
Rene Lalique Epis Lamp
Rene Lalique Faune Lamp
Rene Lalique Feuillages Lamp
Rene Lalique Feuilles Lamp
Rene Lalique Feuilles De Murier Lamp
Rene Lalique Fleurs Et Branches De Genet Lamp
Rene Lalique Gavarnie Lamp
Rene Lalique Genevieve Lamp
Rene Lalique Graines D'Asperges Lamp
Rene Lalique Grand Depot Lamp
Rene Lalique Gros Fruits Lamp
Rene Lalique Hirondelles Lamp
Rene Lalique Languedoc Reflecteur Lamp
Rene Lalique Lausanne Lamp
Rene Lalique Moineaux Lamp
Rene Lalique Mures Reflecteur Lamp
Rene Lalique Myosotis Veilleuse
Rene Lalique Normandie Lamp
Rene Lalique Oeillets Lamp
Rene Lalique Oran Reflecteur Lamp
Rene Lalique Pan Lamp
Rene Lalique Paons Lamp
Rene Lalique Papillons Lamp
Rene Lalique Papillons Veilleuse
Rene Lalique Pavots Lamp
Rene Lalique Piriac Reflecteur Lamp
Rene Lalique Pissenlit Lamp
Rene Lalique Poissons Lamp
Rene Lalique Pommier Du Japon Veilleuse
Rene Lalique Raisins Lamp
Rene Lalique Rinceaux Lamp
Rene Lalique Roses Lamp
Rene Lalique Saint-Nabor Lamp
Rene Lalique Saint-Vincent Lamp
Rene Lalique Six Danseuses Lamp
Rene Lalique Veronique Veilleuse
Post Factory Conversions To Lamps From Other R. Lalique Items

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Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.