R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Deux Moineaux Dormant Vases page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Deux Moineaux Dormant is French for two sleeping sparrows.

Also Note: This vase is decorated on the front only. The reverse is undecorated.

Also Note: This is one of 2 nearly identical vases created at the same time. The companion Deux Moineaux Bavardant Vase has the birds positioned differently in a very similar thicket. In English bavardant means chattering, chatting or gossiping, so the birds in the companion vase are definitely awake. For this vase Dormant has the same meaning in English as in French, so the birds here are sleeping, resting, or inactive. This vase is also reported to have been fitted with a stopper and used as a perfume bottle by the perfumer Volnay for their Eau De Cologne Aux Fruits. We have never seen one of these vases configured that way.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Vases

All Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vases
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R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase
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2016-10-15  Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase

Sales Results
R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase
2015-09-19  Rene Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase

R. Lalique Moineaux Dormant Vase
2015-03-25  Lalique Moineaux Dormant Vase

Sales Results
R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase Lamp
2013-11-21  R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase Lamp

Sales Results
R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase
2012-11-24  Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase

R. Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase
2012-10-18  Rene Lalique Deux Moineaux Dormant Vase

Sales Results
Model No. 911  Circa 1920
Other names for this Deux Moineaux Dormant:
Moineaux Dormant
Other types for this Vase:
Vase Lamp
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