R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Ashtray Statuette De La Fontaine: About 11.5 cm high by 12 cm wide topaz glass R. Lalique Ashtray in the form of a plain shallow bowl form with a small statue affixed in the center. Lot No. 155 Est: $1600 - $1800. Starting Price $600. Model: 288 Circa 1925. They also have a close-copy of the Archers Vase made in South America as Lot 98 that should be avoided, an Acanthes Vase as Lot 141 that has the appearance of a fake and should be avoided, and a Trois Figurines Box for D'Orsay as Lot 260.

Also Note: You can see Acanthes Fakes Vases HERE! and blog articles on the subject HERE! and HERE! USA - Florida - Boca Raton Blvd. info@carstensgalleries.com 561-212-9413 Date of Sale: 2024-08-24   Carstens Galleries

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Rene Lalique Ashtray Statuette De La Fontaine

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