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Longchamp-A Bookend |
Rene Lalique Longchamp-A Bookend information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Longchamp-A Bookends page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website. Note: The Hippodrome de Longchamp is the name of the famous horse-racing facility in the Bois de Boulogne Park in western Paris. With Emperor Napoleon III in attendance, the track held its first race in 1857. And here is the early 1870's Degas painting Racehorses At Longchamp that has been in the collection of the MFA in Boston since 1903. See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Bookends
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