R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Cyprins: 25.6 cm wide amber opalescent fish decorated glass box top over a recovered cardboard base. Lot No. 187 Est: €200 - €300. Model: 42 Circa 1921. There are 79 lots titled for René Lalique including several of unkown age. There is a bunch of commercial jewelry including some rare stickpins, many perfume bottles, and a number of apparently unsigned drawings. Noting you should carefully check each lot to determine if it is an R. Lalique item, you can see those 79 lots HERE! EU - France - Corbeil-Essonnes - 1 Rue Feray contact@camper-dabernat.fr +33 01 64 96 03 08 Date of Sale: 2024-03-16   Camper - Dabernat

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