R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Barr Glass information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Barr Glasses page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Barr is an old town of close to 7000 people (2010) in northeastern France about a 5 hour drive east of Paris. It's right next to Mont Sainte-Odile (mountain) and not far from Strasburg. Residents are known as Barrois or Barroises. Notwithstanding the town's reputation as the wine capital of Alsace (and boasting the oldest Alsace wine fair that dates back over 100 years), the residents are not called barr-istas. Barr can trace its recorded history to the 700's. But artifacts indicate the area was occupied well before the modern era (BCE) as far back as the Bronze Age. Here is a typical street scene in the town.

Also Note: The Barr stemware model was made after the war as an approximately 13.7 cm Brandy Snifter and a 12 cm Wine Glass. Both of these post-war models had upper bowl shapes not available pre-war but they do have the Barr stem design. We've listed these 2 post-war models on the modern repro page in an abundance of caution and linked them from both this Barr Glass model page and the Barr-2 Glass model page to that interested persons can find then and see they are not pre-war R. Lalique Glasses.

Also Note: See a brilliant Barr Bell later created from a broken Barr Glass on the Rescue & Assemblies page in the Alterations Section of the site.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Glasses

Also see:  Barr-2 Glass  

Further down the left column are other size and model number glasses of this design, including different shapes if applicable to this model.

All Lalique Barr Glasses
R. Lalique Barr Glass
2011-08-16  Lalique Barr Glass

Sales Results
Other Sizes And Model Nos.
Barr Glasses
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2024-02-15  Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5009bis
Signature Photo
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2023-09-12  Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5007
Signature Photo
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2020-04-15  Rene Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5007
Signature Photo
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2019-05-31  Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5008
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2018-03-24  Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5007
Sales Results
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2013-03-15  R. Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5006
Rene Lalique Barr Stem
2012-08-27  R. Lalique Barr Stem

Model 5008
Rene Lalique Barr Wine Glass
2012-06-23  Rene Lalique Barr Wine Glass

Model 5007
Rene Lalique Barr Glass
2011-11-16  Lalique Barr Glass

Model 5008
Model No. 5009  Circa 1924
Other names for this Barr:
Other types for this Glass:
Glass Models Of This Design
Shapes Index & Notes
Height Approx Cm
     Model     Shape        Height
     5006    Stem       16
     5007    Stem       15
     5008    Stem       13
     5009    Stem-Ch       13.5
     5009bis    Stem       12
     5009ter    Stem       13
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Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.