R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Box Zinnias: A re-offer from April 22, 2019. Now Lot 287 Est: €80 - €120.

10 cm long by 8 cm wide by 4.5 cm high two parts soft cornered clear and frosted rectangular glass with the top of the lid decorated with zinnias and the sides of both pieces having a matching geometric design R. Lalique Box. Lot No. 229 Est: €100 - €150.

Model: 54 Circa 1923. Also on April 22nd and not re-offered were a Jaffa Pitcher and 6 12 cm Jaffa Glasses selling in the same Lot 231. EU - France - Sens - Boulevard Du Pont-Neuf sens-encheres@wanadoo.fr +33 03 86 64 52 87 Date of Sale: 2019-07-14   Sens Encheres

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Rene Lalique Box Zinnias

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