R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Zinnias Boite: 4 inches long by 3 and 1/4 inches wide by 2 inches high sunflowers decorated lid with herringbone sides clear and frosted glass R. Lalique Boite. Lot 8 Est: $200 - $300. Model: 54 Circa 1923. There are at least half a dozen other R. Lalique lots in the sale including a good looking Muguet Ashtray Model No. 334 as Lot 14. Also, there are a couple of lots (Lot 5 and Lot 9) that are not R. Lalique, and there is some modern stuff mixed in. USA - Missouri - Lone Jack - Lee's Summit Road dirksoulis@gmail.com 816-697-3830 Date of Sale: 2017-07-30   Dirk Soulis

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Rene Lalique Boite Zinnias

R. Lalique Zinnias Boite

R. Lalique Zinnias Boite

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