R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Une Figurine Et Bouquet Box: 7 cm wide by just over 4 cm high two parts of clear glass with a central nude figure inside a flower garland on the top of the lid of the R. Lalique Box. Lot 429 Est: €350 - €450. Model: 10 Circa 1919. Also a Coqs et Raisins Vase, a Lenticulaire Fleurs Perfume Bottle for Piver, a Panier De Roses Perfume Bottle, an opalescent Ceylan Vase, a Bacchus Vase, an opalescent Poissons 30 cm Plate, an opalescent Plumes De Paon Bowl, an 18.4 cm Hagueneau Stem, and an Ormeaux Vase. EU - Germany - Heilbronn info@auctions-fischer.de +49 (0)7131 15557 0 Date of Sale: 2014-03-15   Dr. Fischer

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Rene Lalique Box Une Figurine Et  Bouquet

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