R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Une Figurine Et Bouquet-3: 5.5 cm wide brass Sauzé Frères compact having the original R. Lalique Design for the later Maison Lalique Une Figurine Et Bouquet Box. Lot No. 58 Est: €200 - €500. Model: 10ter Circa 1919. Note: We don't know the circa date for the compact. So we just used the later Maison Lalique Box circa date. Also Note: Other items in this auction are listed separately as a group. EU - France - Paris - Avenue Théophile Gautier contact@lefloch-drouot.fr +33 01 48 78 81 06 Date of Sale: 2024-06-10   Le Floc'h

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Rene Lalique Box Une Figurine Et Bouquet-3

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