R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Un Jardin La Nuit-2: 11 cm long oval two parts frosted glass with the top of lid having a floral design and both pieces having the typical Arys thin-ribbed sides R. Lalique Box. Lot No. 912 Est: £40 - £60. Model: Arys-Box-5 Circa 1923. They also have a Lot 806 that is described as an R. Lalique Vase Circa 1925 that is just some random glass thing someone forged a signature on. If Lot 806 is actually offered for sale at the auction we strongly recommend you avoid it. UK - England - Essex - Rayleigh - Websters Way info@staceyauction.com +44 (0)1268 777122 Date of Sale: 2021-11-15   Stacey's

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Rene Lalique Box Un Jardin La Nuit-2

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