R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Candleholder Tokyo: 21.5 cm tall rows of pearls motif glass R. Lalique Candleholder. Lot No. 192 Est: €150 - €200. Model: 2119 Circa 1935. Note: Aside from the Tokyo Candleholder and Lot 208 that is a 28 cm Jaffa Coupe, and Lot 194 that is 2 different Perles Trays, there are no other lots in the sale we would recommend considering. There are a bunch of modern crystal lots titled for René Lalique that should be avoided, and there are damaged lots that also should be avoided. EU - France - Amboise - quai Charles-Guinot infos@daguerre.fr =33 01 45 63 02 60 Date of Sale: 2023-11-26   Daguerre Val de Loire

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