R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Boite Tete Femme: 9.5 cm tall triangular shaped frosted glass with a woman emerging from the lid over a thin ribbed bottom R. Lalique Boite. Lot No. 1897 Starting Price: €1250. Model: Coty-Box-3 Circa 1912. Also an Ormeaux Vase as Lot 1896, an opalescent Coquilles Bowl as Lot 1898, a Bourgueil Decanter with two matching glasses as Lot 1899, and a Fleur Bol as Lot 1901. EU - Germany - Walldorf - Heinrich-Hertz-Str. info@auktionshaus-walldorf.de +49 (0) 6227 4043 Mr. Rodenbusch is your contact at the sale. Date of Sale: 2019-02-23   Walldorf

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Rene Lalique Boite Tete Femme

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