R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Sylvia Vase information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Sylvia Vases page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: This vase was sold by Lalique with a flat round disk-shaped cover that has a relief bunch of grapes centered on the top of the cover that many owners of the vase mistake as a knob to lift the top off. Use the grapes for that purpose often enough and sooner or later the cover slips from betwen your fingers. As a result, much more often than not, this model appears without the cover. The bunch of grapes cover visually ties together the container with the matching motifs on the sides of the vase and is an integral part of the vase design. The value of the vase without the original cover is a small percentage of the value with the cover. It's our typical advice not to buy any R. Lalique item with missing or later replacement parts and we strongly recommend you do not buy this vase unless it has an original cover. So we've stopped listing these vases when they appear without the cover. And in case you were wondering, the cover nicely overhangs the container, and removing it with two hands on the cover at all times is the safest way to keep your cover intact.

Also Note: We've stopped listing examples of this vase that appear at auction without the cover.

Also Note: For another R. Lalique model with a similar cover that has suffered the same fate of having more coverless examples appear than complete examples in the modern era, see the Primeveres Box.

Also Note: This is 1 of 5 commercial vase models by Lalique with a cover. The other 4 covered vases are Cariatides, Chrysantheme, Fontaines and Tourterelles.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Vases

All Lalique Sylvia Vases
R. Lalique Sylvia Covered Vase
2020-09-05  Lalique Sylvia Covered Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Sylvia Vase
2015-09-06  Lalique Sylvia Vase

R. Lalique Sylvia Covered Vase
2014-10-29  Rene Lalique Sylvia Covered Vase

R. Lalique Sylvia Vase
2011-06-25  Lalique Sylvia Vase

R. Lalique Sylvia Vase
2006-12-18  Lalique Sylvia Vase

Sales Results
Model No. 1031  Circa 1929
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Covered Vase
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Rene Lalique Sylvia Vase

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