R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Sultane: 14 centimeters square opalescent two parts glass, both pieces having vertical small repeating leaf design on the side, and the lid having a sitting woman with her hands clasped behind her head Rene Lalique Box Item No. 360596372218. Model: 83 Circa 1928. Note: That notwithstanding the photo where the top appears to be less opalescent than the bottom, the seller stated in reply to questions that the top is original to the bottom and the difference is a bit of an illusion caused by the way the photo was taken. Netherlands - Flowertown Date of Sale: 2013-02-27 Sales Results: The Sultane Box sold for $7850.   

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Rene Lalique Box Sultane

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