R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Perfume Bottle Premier Oui: Rare 14.5 centimeters tall low relief leaf motif with pointed stopper Lalique Perfume Bottle. This bottle is referred to as Ovoid Feuilles in some of the literature including the UTT Lalique Perfume Bottles 2001 Addendum. It's molded on the underside Arys and R. Lalique, and it bears a gold label reading Assola D'Arys. Item No. 120740001582. Model: Arys-Perfume-6 Circa 1920. Ebay - France - Bost info@rlalique.com Date of Sale: 2011-06-24 Sales Results: The Assola D'Arys (Premier Oui) Perfume Bottle sold for €459.   

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Rene Lalique Perfume Bottle Premier Oui

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