R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Chandelier Normandie: 70 cm wide 4 protruding geometric elements R. Lalique Chandelier that appears to have the original pole covers, ceiling cap, and base cap. Lot No. 80 Est: €500 - €700. Model: 2304 Circa 1935. Also the 2 shade version of the Perles Chandelier as Lot 85, a set of 12 Nippon 13 cm finger bowls as Lot 84, a set of 12 Nippon Knife Rests as Lot 83, an oplaescent Avallon Vase of unknown age with chipping to the rim as Lot 86, a Volubilis Bowl as Lot 87, and a 42 cm by 16 cm rectangular Arras Cake Plate model 3919 that has a some chipping issues as Lot 93. EU - France - Ajacciio - Avenue des Crêtes ceyssoncpj@gmail.com +33 04 95 20 51 75 Date of Sale: 2022-12-15   Ceysson Art et Enchères

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