R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Muguets: 26 cm round and 2.5 cm high green-opalescent glass R. Lalique Box decorated with lilies of the valley on the lid. Lot No. 201 Est: €5000 - €5200. Model: 41 Circa 1921. They also have a grey Sophora Vase as Lot 202, a Piriac Vase as Lot 179, a damaged Danaides Vase (the base appears to be missing) that should be avoided as Lot 210, a Moissac Vase as Lot 208, a Beautreillis Vase as Lot 211, as well as a Cerises Vase, an Ormeaux Vase, a Plumes Vase, and a couple of other vases. EU - Spain - Barcelona - Calle Aragón admin@setdart.com +34 932 463 241 Date of Sale: 2025-03-27   Setdart

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Rene Lalique Box Muguets

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