R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Masque With Pairs of Dancing Nymphs And Serpents Comb: Approximately 6 and 1/2 inches by 5 inches horn, galalith (artificial hornlike plastic), and sapphire open mouthed masque motif R. Lalique Comb with the two horns turning into pairs of dancing nymphs and the outer snake motif surround elevating into two snake heads whose open mouths hold the sapphire. Lot No. 104 Est: $15,000 - $20,000. Model: Comb-21 Circa 1900. See page 179 of the Sig Barten book Rene Lalique Schmuck und Objects d'art 1890-1910 for a similar comb. Also see this bronze Masque Avec Couples De Tritons matrix that sold on May 22, 2018 that looks very much like it's the model for this comb. There are seven total great R. Lalique Jewelry items in the sale. USA - New York - New York City - Rockefeller Center dlingon@christies.com 212-636-2300 Daphne Lingon is the Head of Department for Jewelry in New York and a good contact for the sale. Angelina Chen: achen@christies.com and Jean Kim: jmkim@christies.com are also good contacts. Date of Sale: 2018-06-12 Sales Results: The comb sold for $65,000 all-in.   Christie's http://www.christies.com

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Rene Lalique Comb Masque With Pairs of Dancing Nymphs And Serpents

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