R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pot a Brillantine Marguerites: 6 cm tall frosted two parts thin ribbed glass with the top of the lid having a daisies decoration R. Lalique Pot à Brillantine (hair cream) selling in the same Lot 8004 with a L'Origan Box for Coty. Est: $50 - $100. Model: Houbigant-Box-2 Circa 1926. Also Lot 8003 a Phalene Perfume Bottle for D'Heraud selling with an unrelated item, Lot 8005 a "5" Perfume Bottle for Forvil, Lot 8007 a Pavot D'Argent Perfume Bottle for Roger et Gallet selling along with the bottom only to the Lilas Perfume Bottle for Gabilla. USA - Florida - Palm Beach - Worth Avenue albert@ablevys.com 561-835-9139 Date of Sale: 2015-06-11   A.B. Levy's

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Rene Lalique Pot a Brillantine Marguerites

R. Lalique Marguerites Pot a Brillantine

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