R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Clock Marguerites: 6 inches tall by 5 and 1/4 inches wide daisies decorated R. Lalique Clock having a Henri Ditisheim movement. Note: The seller states as follows and shows in photos in the listing: "The clock is in good condition… no cracks.. I did notice two small nicks to base that appear frosted over. Difficult to see". Seller also states: "I just wound the clock and appears to be keeping good time". Ebay Item: 285699133340.

Model: 762 Circa 1920. Note: The same Ebay seller also has a: Bombay Box and a Taureau Sacre Paperweight. USA - Alaska - Sutton Date of Sale: 2024-02-19   

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