R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Decanter Deux Danseuses: 13.25 inches tall clear glass with flask shaped lower section rising to a long thin neck R. Lalique Decanter. Item: 360774752061. Model: 3153 Circa 1912. Note: The seller's ad states that the stopper is missing. However this model decanter was sold with and without a stopper. Judging by appearances, the majority sold without stoppers. An examination of the rim and neck would be one way to know if any particular decanter of this model ever had stopper. Another is if there is a control number inscribed on the underside of the base. Or alternatively, one would have to have personal knowledge that a stopper once existed for a particular example. USA - Framingham - Massachusetts Date of Sale: 2013-11-12 Sales Results: The decanter sold for $2533.51.   

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Rene Lalique Decanter Deux Danseuses

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