R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendule Deux Coqs: 22.8 cm high rectangular frosted glass surrounding an ATO mechanism, with an outward facing standing Coq (same motif as Coq Houdan Car Mascot) on either side of the R. Lalique Pendule. Lot 115 Est: €10,000 - €15,000. Model: 730 Circa 1929. Note: There are two versions of this clock. This version has a face that is mounted higher in the glass.

Also Lot 114 is a 47 cm total height Christ on Cross Model No. 1198, Lot 116 is a Pinsons Bowl, Lot 117 is a Perles Atomizer, Lot 118 is the bottom only to the Dinard Box, Lot 119 is the Deux Chevres Hand Mirror, Lot 120 is a Dahlias Light Fixture and Lot 121 is a Malesherbes Vase. EU - France - Paris - Drouot contact@maisonrc.com +33 (0)1 87 44 88 63 Yonathan Chamlaand Romain Rudondy are good contacts at the auction. Date of Sale: 2017-11-28   Maison R&C

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Rene Lalique Pendule Deux Coqs

R. Lalique Deux Coqs Pendule

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