R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Box Coq: 10.5 cm wide by 4.9 cm high rooster motif black glass R. Lalique Box. Lot No. 714 Est: £2000 - £4000. Model: 2 Circa 1910.

More from Freddie Mercury in addition to the Coq Box are the vases Archers, Aigrettes, Gros Scarabées, Perruches (blue), and Monnaie Du Pape. They also have a Hirondelles Perfume Bottle and a Deux Figurines bottle (missing the stopper so recommend you avoid unless you have stopper), and a part service of Bourgueil tableware that is modern crystal and should also be avoided.

Here is a link to the Sept. 8th Lots. Copy/paste René Lalique into the search box to see just the R. Lalique items. UK - London - New Bond Street elena.checchi@sothebys.com +44 020 7293 5275 Elena Checchi (info preceding) is your sales contact at Sotheby's London for R. Lalique. Date of Sale: 2023-09-08   Sotheby's

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Rene Lalique Box Coq

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