R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Footed Bowl Clairvaux: 22 cm tall and 19 cm wide at the top rim ferns motif R. Lalique Footed Bowl. Lot No. 224 Est: €40 - €50. Model: 387 Circa 1926. Note: The bowl is incorrectly signed with the wrong model number of 388. That number is for the Saint-Denis Footed Bowl created at the same time as this bowl in January 1926. EU - France - Boulogne-Billancourt - Rue des Longs-Prés etienne@jonquet.com +33 01 41 41 07 39 Date of Sale: 2021-11-18 Sales Results: The bowl sold for €406 all-in.   Etienne Jonquet - Hotel Des Ventes De Boulogne http://www.jonquet.com/

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Rene Lalique Footed Bowl Clairvaux

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