R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Glass Cactus: Two sets of 2 glasses each, one pair being 11 cm tall, the other 11.5 clear glass with thick cactus skin enameled centered stems on round bases Lalique Glasses. Lot 20 Est: £100 - £200. Model: 5293 Circa 1934. Note: The model number is for the larger glass. Also in this sale is a set of four Pouilly Liqueur Glasses, and a pair of Dampierre Glasses selling with the Dampierre Pitcher, a set of 3 R. Lalique Phalsbourg Wine Glasses, a Calypso Bowl, a Coquilles Plate, 2 Coquilles Bowls, a Nemours Bowl, a Chantilly Bowl, 2 Lys Bowls, a Deux Colombes Clock, a Rampillon Vase, an opalescent Bacchantes Vase, a boxed set of Barr Swizzle Sticks, and a Libellules Box. UK - Scotland - Edinburgh info@lyonandturnbull.com +44 (0)131 557 8844 Date of Sale: 2012-04-18   Lyon & Turnbull

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Rene Lalique Glass Cactus

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