R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Glass Boules: A set of eight 8 centimeters tall clear glass with short thick stems and wide round bases surrounded by outsized beads in restrained semi-snifter / semi-liqueur shapes Lalique Glasses. Lot 1401 Est: £120 - £160. Model: 5351 Circa 1935. Also in this sale is the bottom only to a Primeveres Box, an opalescent Ondines Bowl, and an opalescent Mont-Dore Bowl. Note: This auction is spread over three days from the 11th to the 13th, so check with the auction house to be certain of the right sale date for these items. UK - England - Washington - Spring Gardens auctions@tooveys.com +44 (0)1903 891955 Date of Sale: 2012-07-12   Toovey's

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Rene Lalique Glass Boules

R. Lalique Boules Glass

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