R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Clock Antoinette: 15 cm tall clear glass R. Lalique Clock with olive gray patina to the numbers and birds. Lot No. 398 Est: £2500 - £3000. Model: 767 Circa 1931. Also a Tzigane Perfume Bottle with original violin box and a Cactus Perfume Bottle for Royal Dutch Mail selling together as Lot 393, 2 Worth Perfume Bottles selling in the same Lot 394 with a couple of modern Worth bottles, an amethyst tint Victoire Car Mascot with some polishing as Lot 395, a Pierrots Clock as Lot 397, a Toby Elephant Paperweight as Lot 399, and a blue Cerises Pendant as lot 399A. UK - Devon - Exmouth - Bicton Street info@piersmotleyauctions.co.uk +44 01395 267403 Date of Sale: 2020-02-10   Piers Motley

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Rene Lalique Clock Antoinette

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