R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Clock Antoinette: 6 inch tall round R. Lalique Clock with a pair of small lovebirds on top and an Omega movement whose hands point to hours incorporated in the glass selling together with a Deux Colombes Seal Model No. 230 in Lot No. 111 Est: $400 - $700. Model: 767 Circa 1931. Also a 9 and 1/2 inch standard form Ormeaux Bowl as Lot 115, an opalescent 10 inch Cyprins Box as Lot 116, and a group of 5 Moineau Paperweights possibly all being R. Lalique selling together as Lot 112. USA - New Hampshire - Peterborough - Jaffrey Road info@thecobbs.com 603-924-6361 Date of Sale: 2019-10-26   The Cobbs

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