R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Flacon Violette: 17 cm tall clear glass R. Lalique Flacon under a dome shaped stopper decorated with small beaded vertical lines that match lines on the container and being signed ARYS and R. L. to the underside. Lot No. 95 Est: £400 - £600. Model: Arys-Perfume-26 Circa 1920.

There are 104 lots in the sale titled for René Lalique including colored vases, car mascots, clocks, etc. Caution is advised with respect to several lots and in view of those several lots, caution generally is advised as well. This is in addition to the fact that this is the auction house that recently and scandalously sold one of the later loose copies by ATO of ATO's original commissioned Normandie clock with the document free claim that René Lalique was somehow involved. So seriously, be careful out there. Lot 86 is titled for René Lalique but is a completely undocumented unknown box that should be avoided pending further notice here. We've inquired and will update if/when. UPDATE: The auction house never got back to us about the Lot 86 undocumented box. We strongly suggest based on appearances that serious collectors avoid the lot. Lot 99 is titled for René Lalique, but it's a modern Worth bottle that is a 1980's copy not made by René Lalique or by the modern Lalique company. And the Lot 105 perfume bottle is also titled for René Lalique but it is a later copy made by an unknown Spanish glassmaker for Worth. Also Lot 81 Arys Un Jadin (Jardin) Le Nuit Box appears to be an Arys Un Jour Viendra Box. You can see these problematic items and all the other lots spread over 2 pages at the auction house website HERE!

UK - Gloucestershire - Moreton-in-Marsh - London Road - Cotswold Business Village enquiries@kinghamsauctioneers.com +44 01608 695695 Date of Sale: 2023-07-26   Kingham & Orme

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Rene Lalique Flacon Violette

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