R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Plaque Vierge Aux Anges: 13 cm by 12 cm glass R. Lalique plaque showing the mother and child surrounded by angles with incorporated scrolls motif surround. Lot No. 12 Est: €500 - €700. Model: 1232 Circa 1943. Also a 3 piece later patinated Charme Jardiniere as Lot 11. EU - France - Neuilly sur seine - Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle contact@couletcoulet.com +33 (0)6 63 71 06 76 Romain Coulet (info preceding) and Clothilde Duval: design@aguttes.com/+33 (0)1 47 45 08 22 are your contacts. Date of Sale: 2020-07-07   Aguttes Neuilly

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Rene Lalique Plaque Vierge Aux Anges

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