R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendant Une Nymphe: 6.2 cm tall single figure in oval glass surrounded by interlaced decorations of old diamonds and highlighted by purple enamel R. Lalique Pendant attached to a link platinum necklace. Lot 216 Est: €5000 - €7000. Model: Pendant-140 Circa 1900. Note: The drawing for this pendant is shown on Page 363 of the book by Sig Barten "René Lalique, Schmuck und objets d'art, 1890-1910". There is a 2nd pendant necklace in this sale listed separately. EU - France - Orleans - Rue du Faubourg Madeleine binochemaredsous@interencheres.com +33 02 38 22 84 34 The experts for this sale are Emeric and Stephen Portier: +33 1 47 70 89 82 / experts@serret-portier.com. Date of Sale: 2017-05-20   Binoche - De Maredsous Hôtel Des Ventes Madeleine

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Rene Lalique Pendant Une Nymphe

R. Lalique Une Nymphe Pendant

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